Saturday 17 December 2011

Easily pleased!

wonders if any other craftery folk get as excited as I just did getting a 500g bag of shiney colourful buttons in the post! Oooooooooooo shiney! I think if I were to be an animal, I'd have to be magpie! :D

Friday 16 December 2011

Some work of late

A couple of things I've been working on for orders

Orange Cupcake Kindle Kosy

Made to order Mobile Cosys

Thursday 15 December 2011

Busy bee

Well it's been a busy few days of needle felting on the run up to Christmas. A few orders to get organised and just got another finished this afternoon. Onto another this evening...inbetween online Christmas shopping and re-plenishing felting supplies.

Where does the time go!?

I'm in one sense lucky at the moment as I've been inbetween jobs and have had the time to fully dedicate to felting. Will a new job staring in Jan, how does everyone else who works full time, manage to fit in the time to make a plethora of lovely handmade items and successfully sell well as fitting in the time for sleeping, eating, cleaning etc and/or raising a family if they have one?

Answers on a postcard please, haha!

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Felt 'N' Funky at Moondogs

The lovely peeps at Moondogs Coffee-house & Art Gallery in Galashiels in the Scottish Borders will be displaying Felt 'N' Funky goodies for sale on the run up to Christmas. So if you fancy giving something a wee bit different, quirky, funky & colourful this year, why not pop in, say hi to the guys there, take a load off, have a coffee & pick up something felty!

Moondogs Banner

Saturday 10 December 2011

Edinburgh Uni Charity Craft Fair

A great afternoon, alot of interest and managed to sell a few items!

Felty Goodness

Some funky felt creations

Needle Felted Cupcake Sprinkles Kindle Kosy

Needle-Felted Mobile Phone Cosys

Cute wet felted purse

Needle-Felted Love Cats Kindle Kosy

Colourful Wet-Felted Bag

Needle-Felted Pretty in Pink Shoe Lovers Kindle Kosy


Well hello there! Welcome to Felt 'N' Funkys blog.

I thought I'd try this out and see how it goes. So this is a place to share my felty ideas and creations and share the joy of funky felting. It doesn't need much...well patience (esp. for needle felting!) and a little bit of imaginationa and it's amazing what you can create! From pictures, to bowls, slippers, clothing, jewellery and accessorise, 3D sculptures and so much's a few wee things I've created in the past...

Needle and wet felted animal triptych
Diddy Donkies!

I used to volunteer at a donkey sanctuary, so I was inspired to create some diddy donkies from felt